There can only be two type of lipstick girls; red lipstick girls and pink lipsticks girls. Some prefer pink lipsticks and some fancy red lipsticks. And me, I wear all; red lippies,pink lippies, nude lippies and also natural lippies (which means no lipstick, only clear lipbalm).
Why do people, I mean girls/women wear lipstick?
1. To be pretty
2. To look confident
3. To look matured (high school kids)
4. To conceal imperfect lips
5. To look and be kissable (LOL! I just came up randomly of this, how far it's true, I never know)
Do we really need those lipsticks/lip gloss/lip tint/lip paint on our lips like all the time to be as per above?
Is there any ways that we could avoid the lip products from being on our lips like 24/7?
Recently, I came across this useful tips, which I have tried for more than one month I think, unsure about he exact date when I started practising it.It worked, though it takes some time. Well, homemade remedies are sure to work,though it takes time ☺
The tip which I would like to share about is how to get a naturally pink lips.
How to:
1. After brushing your teeth everyday, gently use the toothbrush to exfoliate your lips in a circular motion. This will remove the dead skin thus giving you a brighter and fuller looking lips. Not to forget, a temporary fuller looking lips as well.
2. Always protect your lips will lipbalm with SPF. The higher the SPF,the better it is. Even if you are just staying indoors, lip balm is necessary as it prevents the lips from drying and also protects your lips from the harmful UVA and UVB sunlight, which may induce lip pigmentation, hence dark lips.
3. DO NOT lick your lips often, you are only making your lips more prone to dryness everytime you do so.
4. Use good lip products, with vitamins and again SPF.
5. Applying olive oil will do your lips good.
6. Applying lemon juice on your lips is said to be good for making the lips lighter as they have natural skin lightening property, but I am yet to try them on.
7. The best lip tips which I am practising and am a living proof of its effectiveness is to apply HONEY on my lips every night before sleeping.
Honey is a natural moisturizer, whereby it absorbs the moisture from the air around us and transfers it to the lips. Lips, which does not have any sebaceous gland to produce sebum/oil to protect and moisturize the itself, willingy takes up all the moisture which the honey can provide. Thus, making the lips look healty, moisturized and a tad pinker with daily application. Also, it helps to reduce the fine lines on the lips and makes the lips to look plumper.
Of course, my lips aren't fully pink yet, as it will take more time for me to see the full effect. Or maybe I won't get a fully pink lips as dark lips could be hereditary.
Nevertheless, I've seen a positive change and I'll keep trying as long as no harm done.
Do try and let me know how it works on you.
Pictures are from
Till then~